Welcome to our custom handmade beautiful jewelry shop!

Hello, I am Gwen and thank you first of all if you are reading this section! I personally love jewelry who does not right? At the beginning I was just a kid in twenties working for a jewelry company a very famous one. Then it was a time for me to go higher and climb and achieve more, with my own creative ideas sketches of the jewelry on the paper and that is how I got started. It is not easy nothing good is easy in this world, especially I was a single mother with a 7 years old girl needed Mommy and food! So here I am designing-creating a very special and memorable quality jewelry, that will grow old with you. My daughter is 15 yrs old now.
We are as a jewelry company GFD located at heart of a Diamond District NYC, Due to a Covid-19 tines all of us had to work from home and take safety precautions. My jewelers have been in business for 28 years and counting, they truly are very talented jeweler (goldsmiths). We do delicate jewelry as well as custom name jewelry from Bracelets, Necklaces, Rings earrings and so on.. you name it we can make it for you. We are also good with stone setting, cleaning polishing, casting and mold making. We make our on 10kt, 14kt solid gold plate for the custom pieces for our customers.
If you have any inquires feel free to ask and I am sure we are able to make it. Our prices are very reasonable so if you would like a wholesale prices on the specific item just ask.
Thank you and always choose to be positive no matter what!